
Late Night Thoughts: Shoot To Thrill, Indeed

I like to stay up late. Very late. Late as in "the sun is rising" late. And when I do that, I always listen to music. This can last from a few minutes to sometimes over an hour. I go from song to song in an almost medative, zen-like state. Sometimes it's Various Cruelties. Sometimes it's Baba Yetu. Tenacious D, Daft Punk, Queen. It depends on what mood I'm in. But there is one band I always, no matter what mood I am in, come back to. More specifically, one of their (in my opinion) best songs. That song is Shoot To Thrill by AC/DC. There's just something about it. The opening guitar, the energy, the excitement. And whenever I get to the song, I immediatly have to watch this clip.

It's probably my favorite scene from the Iron Man series. Hell, possibly of all Marvel films or any film for that matter. Not only is it a, exciting, kickass entrance, it also fits perfectly with the character. Tony Stark is exactly the kind of guy who, when/if given the opportunity, would hurl himself out of a plane in a robot suit whilst listening to rock music just because he can. It's a great way to make you easily relate to him as well, because you'd totally do it too. I know at least I would. 

I love when filmmakers have the soundtrack be more than just background noise, they really integrate it into the film. 

Bleh, I feel like I'm starting to babble here, so I think I'll end the text here. Have a good night, everyone.

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